Billing Management Software
It’s an extremely strong accounting programme that’s now GST-ready. Our software is extremely accurate, with a straightforward bookkeeping system that is ideal for merchants and small businesses. Supermarkets, textile shops, electronic shops, distribution businesses, electrical shops, hardware and sanitary shops, hotels, small scale companies, and other businesses use our software extensively. It simplifies the process of filing GST tax returns. The interface and functions are so simple to use that no prior understanding of accounting is necessary. Because of its simplicity, accuracy, and useful output, EFFTABS will save you time and money.

Accounting/ Billing Management Software
Regardless of the size of the firm or the area or country of operation, business accounting and management software is a complete and all-inclusive solution to assist commercial and manufacturing activities.
EFFTABS Billing Software enjoys the enviable status of being the optimal software for faultless and comprehensive company automation. EFFTABS can be used in a variety of industries and businesses, including C&F, Wholesale and Retail Distribution Manufacturers, Architects, Builders, Real Estate Retailers, Retailers and Healthcare, and shops and supermarkets providing a variety of goods and services.

Software Features:
- Sale/ Sale return
- Customer access
- Reports Stock, Ledger, debtors list, creditors list)
- Sales reports
- Purchase reports
- GST Filing reports ( Purchase, Sales B to B, BtoC, HSN)
- Inventory
- Billing
- Supplier registration
- Customer registration
- Purchase/ Purchase return
- Quotation